For minor imperfections like uneven teeth, small chips or superficially pitted surfaces, there is an affordable and painless procedure known as Contouring or Re-shaping. A good candidate for tooth contouring has healthy teeth, which is something that Dr. Williams will help to determine. If the characteristics explained above describe your dental situation, tooth contouring may provide you with a beautiful new smile in a very short time. This is a very simple procedure, performed by Dr. Williams, using tools that remove small areas of the tooth to resolve the imperfections. On a very few occasions, Dr. Williams will use local anesthesia if the patient feels discomfort. It is possible that a short visit to Atlanta Dental Arts will completely enhance your smile, but you may need additional procedures to accomplish your goal. These questions can be answered by Dr. Williams and his friendly staff. Let us help you find out if this is a suitable procedure for you.